Shipping & Returns 


Processing Time
The time needed to prepare an order for shipping varies from 1-3 days. For details, see individual items. Once your item has shipped you will receive a shipping confirmation via email with tracking. (NO PROVIDED TRACKING FOR PINS OR STICKERS)

Estimated shipping times

Under normal circumstances you can expect your package from:

T-shirts/Hoodies 6–8 business days

Posters: 5-8 business days

Stickers/Pins: 2-8 business days

i’ll do my best to meet these shipping estimates, but cannot guarantee them.


Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 30 days after the product has been received. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 30 days after the estimated delivery date. Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense.

please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

Terms of Use

Welcome to, these are the terms and conditions of your use of the site. It is important that you read carefully and clearly understand these terms and conditions, as it sets out the rights and duties between you, the user, and us. By using this site you agree to be bound by this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use this site. In order to continuing creating your account you must accept these terms and conditions.

By registering with Luckamation or by using this site you represent, acknowledge, and agree that you are at the age of majority where you reside. This is a legal document and you must be able to enter into a contract. Under no circumstance may someone under the age of 13 have an account on this store, even with parental consent.

Privacy Policy

Luckamation only uses your shipping and billing address, and contact information:

  • To communicate with you about your order

  • To fulfill your order

When you order from you will be asked for your name, email address, delivery address, telephone number, credit card number, registered address of the credit card (referred to on site as the “billing address”, credit card, CVC number the card's expiry date and a contact phone number for the registered address of the credit card.

these details will be used to provide services to you in fulfilling orders that you place with Luckamation. This may include passing your information to the Post Office or couriers in the event they need to contact you regarding your delivery and us passing your details to recognized credit checking agencies and/or credit card companies to assess your credit authorization.

Information about you may also be obtained as a result of authentication or identity checks (including your IP address). I do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to other companies outside of Luckamation.

Any data that is collected is used to help make the shopping experience as enjoyable as possible and improve any future shopping experiences you have here, and to send you details of any services or offers that might be of interest to you.

You may be contacted by email, telephone or by post with marketing information.

I reserve the right to pass your data to law enforcement or other third parties as i feel is necessitated by applicable law or your failure to comply with law or the Terms & Agreements. Luckamation further reserves the right to pass your details to third parties in the event that i sell or buy any businesses or assets.

Finally, i may also collect anonymized details about visitors on for the purposes of aggregate statistics or reporting purposes.